Jeff Reich
Executive Director, Identity Defined Security Alliance

Dean H. Saxe
Principal Engineer, Office of the CTO, Beyond Identity

Aaron Parecki
Director of Identity Standards, Okta

Gail Hodges
Executive Director, OpenID Foundation

George Fletcher
Identity Standards Architect, Community Elected Board Member of the OpenID Foundation
Securing the Future of Identity with IPSIE: A New Industry Standard
Identity security is broken—threats are rising, systems are fragmented, and the stakes have never been higher. Without a unified industry standard providing full visibility into the technology stack, organizations remain vulnerable to breaches. The OpenID Foundation’s IPSIE Working Group aims to change that by developing a standard the entire industry can support. Learn how the Interoperability Profile for Secure Identity in the Enterprise standard will close critical gaps and deliver game-changing benefits for SaaS builders and businesses alike. Don’t miss a chance to hear how IPSIE will set a new standard for the future of identity security.
What Will Attendees Learn
- What is IPSIE: Interoperability Profiling for Secure Identity in the Enterprise
- Why a new secure identity standard is needed
- What security features enterprises expect from their SaaS providers
- How IPSIE will benefit SaaS builders and their customers
Who Should Attend
- SaaS builders
- Enterprises interested in identity security
The Panelists

Jeff Reich
Executive Director, Identity Defined Security Alliance
An advocate of research and innovation speaking to and from the technology and security industries. Extensive experience in building and leading high-performance teams by identifying and developing high-potential leaders at all levels of an organization, many of whom achieve world-recognized leadership status. Built successful programs dealing with challenging problems, delivering prevention, recovery, and turnaround solutions to organizations. My perfect role allows for a significant impact for a growing concern by nurturing and nourishing people, resulting in strong and resilient teams that lead an enterprise through challenges of growth that require innovation and out-of-the-box thinking.

Dean H. Saxe
Principal Engineer, Office of the CTO, Beyond Identity
Dean recently joined as a Principal Engineer in the Office of the CTO at Beyond Identity after more than ten tears at Amazon/Amazon Web Services. He is a founding member of IDPro, author and reviewer for the IDPro Body of Knowledge, and an active participant in standards development organizations including the Internet Engineering Taskforce (IETF), OpenID Foundation, and FIDO Alliance where he co-chairs the Enterprise Deployment Working Group. With over 20 years in the field of Information Security and almost 15 in Identity, Dean is the author of multiple patents, and a frequent speaker at identity industry conferences.
Beyond Identity, Dean is passionate about traveling, cycling, camping, board games, food & drink, and spending time with his wife, two kids, and two dogs.

Aaron Parecki
Director of Identity Standards, Okta
Aaron Parecki is Director of Identity Standards at Okta with over 15 years of experience in the industry. He is active in multiple standards development organizations (SDOs), including IETF, OpenID Foundation, and W3C. He is an editor of OAuth 2.1 along with several other OAuth specifications, and co-chairs the SCIM working group at IETF, and the IPSIE working group at the OpenID Foundation. He has taught the fundamentals of OAuth and online security to thousands of developers worldwide through his book OAuth 2.0 Simplified as well as video courses and live online trainings.

Gail Hodges
Executive Director, OpenID Foundation
The OpenID Foundation is a non-profit global standards body that seeks to help people assert their identity wherever they choose by leading the global community in creating identity standards that are secure, interoperable, and privacy preserving. The Foundation’s standards are used by billions of people across millions of applications to enable user logins, enterprise login, open banking, open data, send risk signals, and enable interoperability between implementations.
Gail is also acting as Special Advisor on Identity Technologies to the California Department of Motor Vehicle Administrators, where she has led relationships with digital wallet platform partners like Apple and Google, supported California’s relationship with various US Government departments, and hosted two digital identity Hackathons for the public and private sector. Gail previously worked at Apple for 5 years, where she led Business Development for a range of new Identity and Payment services, such as expanding Apple Pay into Latin America and building the foundations for ID in Wallet. Prior to joining Apple, Gail was SVP and Global Head of Digital Payments for HSBC Holdings and led HSBC Premier and Advance global card portfolios. At American Express she ran the UK Centurion and Platinum card businesses and was part of the Strategic Planning group.
Gail hold an MBA from Harvard Business School, and a B.A. in Public Policy from Princeton University.

George Fletcher
Identity Standards Architect, Community Elected Board Member of the OpenID Foundation
“George Fletcher is an Identity Standards Architect focused on CIAM and B2B identity solutions. He is a seasoned software architect with 25+ years of software development and architecture experience covering a wide variety of disciplines including identity, artificial intelligence, “”real-time”” media processing, graphical information systems, consumer electronic devices and large scale internet deployments.
George is also a community elected board member of the OpenID Foundation (OIDF) and serves on the OIDF Executive Committee. He is involved in a number of identity standards efforts including OpenID Connect, OAuth 2, and the IETF where he is an editor on two specifications: OAuth 2.0 for First-Party Applications and Transaction Tokens. His past work includes contributions to OpenID 2, OAuth, XRI OASIS TC (XRD) and the Liberty Alliance Identity Web Services Framework.”